Misa Tours An Inbound Tour Operator With a Plus Value

Misa Tours is a human and authentic incoming agency, specialized in organizing tours in Canada and the United States. Summer or winter, by bus, train or even seaplane, we offer packages adapted to the tastes and budget of your clients!

Misa Tours

Added Value That Makes You Unique

As a specialist in North America, the service we provide to our clients is at the heart of our DNA. You can count on an accessible, creative and transparent team which - through the quest for excellence of each of its members - aims to refine their interpersonal skills, know-how and know-how to act.

The Misa Tours family is a mosaic of unique beings linked together in the quest for excellence, curiosity, transparency and openness to the world.

Thérèse Dion | Partner and General Manager

Beyond being a business partner, I have the firm conviction that we can bring a little more happiness into the world, by helping people discover our territory and its inhabitants in an original and honest way.

Hubert Lambert Hinse | Partner and marketing manager

A team of pros behind you

Andrée Boisvert

Andrée Boisvert

Sales Director andreeb@misatours.ca
Mounir Harti

Mounir Harti

Development and Sales manager mharti@misatours.ca
Marie Oldenburg

Marie Oldenburg

Account Manager moldenburg@misatours.ca
Manon Hamel

Manon Hamel

Account Manager - FIT mhamel@misatours.ca
Julie Crail

Julie Crail

FIT Specialist services@misatours.ca
Tanya Heath

Tanya Heath

Product Director tanya@misatours.ca
Claudie Brochu

Claudie Brochu

Contracts manager cbrochu@misatours.ca
Marie-Hélène Courtade

Marie-Hélène Courtade

Guides supervisor mhcourtade@misatours.ca
Sonia Denoncourt

Sonia Denoncourt

Reservation Agent sdenoncourt@misatours.ca
Joanny D. Tremblay

Joanny D. Tremblay

Reservations agent jdtremblay@misatours.ca
Dominique Langlois

Dominique Langlois

Administrative Assistant dlanglois@misatours.ca

Our Vision

Remain a leader in receptive tourism and continue to introduce North America to an international clientele, while maintaining our reputation, which is a guarantee of impeccable service.

Our Mission

Ensure complete satisfaction for all of our international customers, by giving them personalized attention and follow-up from the first draft of a travel proposal to the last goodbye. We show ingenuity in adapting our products and services according to cultural differences and economic realities, putting our experience at the heart of our services.